Tuesday 17 May 2016


Statement of intent 

After completion of my final piece gif, I will have to exhibit the final piece. I  have decide that my animation would be a piece to go on a website alongside others of the same theme, i also think that it would look really nice projected as a loop onto a large screen as part of an exhibition alongside some of my photography work. In order to make it look a bit more professional I would use a tripod to take the photos to make the gif look more smooth and will mean that the photos are positioned more steadily and are not moving with the sunset . another idea is to get my gif about by uploading it onto tumblr and giffy with tags that link back to my website

Monday 16 May 2016


 this is my final piece, i think my gif was successful because it shows the development of the sunset, i could have made it more successful by taking the images with a tripod so that the image isn't moving about as-well as the drawing.


These are screenshots of the process i used creating my gif through photoshop. i created my gif by putting the pictures into their own separate frames and then adjusting the speed and making it into a loop, i found the process quite easy because i watched a few youtube tutorials which guided me through the process, i saved everything i had done in terms of work on both the computer and on my memory stick so that it was always backed up and i wouldn't lose it. And i remembered to take regular breaks every 20 mins i was on the computer so that the light wouldn't hurt my eyes or give me headaches.



These are individual photos of my final piece, i used a film photograph that found successful from my photography course and then i took photos each time i added something onto it, in this case i was drawing a kind of sunset made up of triangles and circles in felt tip pen and then building up layers. my next step is to add all the photos onto photoshop and then make them into a gif , i plan to look at a few youtube videos to give me an idea of what to do as i have never used photoshop in this way before but after researching different ways of making gifs i found that this was meant to be a successful way. All of these photo's are completely unedited because i thought that if i edited them that the film photograph would become too dark.

Friday 13 May 2016

P3 statement of intent

For my final piece I have decided to create a gif. I will be making this gif animation by painting onto a film photograph, I have taken this inspiration from the artist 'blu' which I looked at in detail in my earlier artist analysis. 'Blu' is an Italian street artist, he paints graffiti art work on walls in urban and industrial landscapes, 'Blu' uses house paint to paint large scale comical figures on the wall he then takes a photo and paints over the figure and then paints the figure in a slightly different position, he keeps doing this this until he's happy with it and this way the pictures all put together give the illusion that the figures are moving across the wall. Although 'Blu' makes stop motions and I am making a gif, I will be making my gif in a similar way with similar processes. I will select some of my favorite film photographs that I have taken and then start painting into them with expressive shapes I will keep stopping and starting the camera in the same way as a stop motion but I will not be needing as many photos so it is less time consuming. once I'm happy with the photos I will be uploading and creating the gif through the website gify which I designed for creating gifs. the gif will be a couple of seconds long and will give the effect of shapes moving across the page.


For this final idea I took inspiration from the artist 'blu' I thought about making a stop motion animated video where I would make a painting and stop and start the camera each time I added any paint to it, this idea is very time consuming but I'm thinking it would work well as I would upload each photo onto Photoshop as a frame and then turn it into video and adjust the speed so that it will only last a few minuets. I would use watercolor paint for this so I can make it expressive and so that the paint will spread across the page quicker and easier so that the video is not too long, 'blu' is an artist that works with making stop motion videos, his stop motions work very well as it gives the effect of something moving across the page.

Tuesday 10 May 2016


Idea two

For this idea I have taken inspiration from my artist Elle Muliarchyk who creates fashion and beauty style gifs in order to tell a humorous story. For my idea I thought about creating my own Gif  inspired by her work, I would create a beauty inspired gif by taking photos in a studio of a model and have makeup appearing on their faces, I like the idea of adding 'pop' noises every time something comes up on the screen. The software I would use to create this would be would be either by Photoshop or gify an online gif maker in order to create this idea I would have to take photos like a stop motion by taking a picture each time I added new things to the model or each time she changed a pose, which I would put together to make a gif.


Idea one

For this first idea I thought about creating a stop motion video or gif with this idea, I will put it together by videoing a still photograph with my painting onto it I will stop the camera and take a photo each time I make a change on the photo, this will give the effect of the paint moving across the page. My idea was to create painted sunsets moving up from the ground of the image and have colorful shapes moving about I could even make these stop motions into little gifs. My artist that has inspired me with this idea is 'Blu' because he creates stories by painting onto walls section by section which is visually interesting I will be creating smaller nature inspired stop motions/gifs

P2 Digital software and equipment

Sound booth

Adobe Sound booth CS5 software makes it easy to create and edit audio for all your productions. Task-based features and tight integration with other Adobe applications let you edit sound and accomplish audio tasks with complete creative control.

Premier pro
Adobe Premiere Pro is a timeline-based video editing software application. It is part of the Adobe Creative Cloud, which includes video editing, graphic design, and web development programs.
Premiere Pro is used by broadcasters such as the BBC and CNN. It has been used to edit feature films, such as Gone Girl, and Monsters. Premier Pro supports high resolution video editing at up to 10,240 × 8,192 resolution, Adobe Photoshop  files can be opened directly from Premiere Pro to be edited in Photoshop. Any changes will immediately be updated when the Photoshop file is saved and focus returns to Premiere Pro.

I photo

iPhoto is a digital photograph manipulation software application developed by Apple
Inc.It was included with every Macintosh personal computer from 2002 to 2015, when it was replaced with Apple's Photos application. Originally sold as part of the I Life suite of digital media management applications, iPhoto can import, organize, edit, print and share digital photos. iPhoto features powerful editing tools that are simple to learn and easy to use. So you can instantly add dramatic effects, perfect exposure, remove red‑eye, and retouch blemishes.

P2 Digital techniques


A Gif Is a digital form of artwork. the technology for the animated GIF has become more and more advanced through the years. After 2010, a new generation of artists focused on experimenting with its potential for presenting creativity on the World Wide Web. Mass access to the interest allowed their GIFs to travel rapidly and virally online, through social media such as Tumblr and Giphy, unrecognizable as a new form of art, people on these social media sites can share these gifs worldwide through the web, there are thousands of different types of gifs.

Digital Painting
Digital painting is the method of (painting) digitally and/or a technique for making digital art on the computer. As a method of creating an art object, it adapts traditional painting mediums such as; acrylic, oils, inks and watercolor and applies to materials such as canvas, cloth and paper. As a digital technique, it refers to a computer graphics software program that uses a virtual canvas and virtual painting box of brushes, colors and other supplies. The computer software contains different instruments that do not exist outside the computer which give digital artwork a different look and feel from artwork that is made the traditional way.

Motion Graphics
Motion graphics are digital footage and/or animation technology to create an illusion of motion or rotation, and are usually combined with audio for use in multimedia projects. Motion graphics extend beyond the most commonly used methods of frame-by-frame footage and animation. Computers are capable of calculating and randomizing changes in imagery to create the illusion of motion and transformation.

Friday 4 March 2016

P1 Elle Muliarchyk artist analysis

Elle Muliarchyk is an artist. But she’s also a model. She grew up in Vietnam and the Czech Republic, spent her high school years as a foreign exchange student in suburban NorCal, majored in theology and science at UC Berkeley, and was introduced to the fashion world through a chance encounter with Patrick Demarchelier( a French fashion photographer. "The gif as a medium itself is unique," "It’s technically limiting because of the continuous loop, so a lot of decisions are based on the edit. "Her latest project focuses on the transformative power of beauty and fashion "I strive to show fashion and beauty in brand new, innovative ways," says Muliarchyk  "A narrative, sense of humor, and peek behind-the-curtain are key components to my work." Recently, Muliarchyk  teamed up with art director Vita Raykhman, Yahoo Style, and a few different hair and makeup crews to create quick-change transformations with model’s  represented by The Society Management. Muliarchyk  came up with concepts by studying every model’s personal Instagram account—she wanted to tailor the theme of each gif to a particular girl based not only on looks, but also personality.

P1 Analysis of Drop bear- jonathon chong

Drop bear is a film and animation studio based in Melbourne, Australia.
Founded by designer/filmmaker Jonathan Chong, Drop bear creates outstanding moving-image pieces for clients across the commercial, community, cultural and music industries.
They collaborate with animators, illustrators, art directors and other craftspeople to deliver unique, charming, and entertaining stories. in a recent interview Jonathon Chong has said  "Our experience spans live action film, motion-graphics and animation, with a specialization in stop-motion. We are passionate about great ideas underpinned by strong craftsmanship. Our attention to detail means we go beyond expectations to deliver the best possible outcome on each and every project. No frame goes unturned"! they are represented by Agile Films for commercials and music videos in the UK. In this music video for ‘Quack Fat’ by Australia-based DJ Opiuo off his new album Meraki. The video was directed and animated by Jonathan Chong  who set 240 audio cassettes, 5,600 feet of video tape, 108 floppy discs and 1 retro walk man in motion to create this stop motion video.

P1 Artist analysis Blu

Blu is an Italian street artist that currently lives in Bologna, Italy. He started painting in a capital of Italy’s Emilia-Romagna Region and has been involved in the street art scene since 1999.His works can be seen through the world and his style is easily recognizable. They are known to be “epic scale murals.” Blu prefers to paint his works around the urban and industrial landscape.
Like most street artists, Blu began painting graffiti with spray paint. He quickly gained recognition and fame by painting a graffiti series in the suburbs of Bologna. Over the next few years into the early 2000s, Blu’s graffiti style transformed thanks to his growing use of house paint. He began to experiment with paint rollers and telescopic sticks. Not only was his graffiti art much larger, but his art conveyed a much more dramatic appearance. He quickly began to create huge human figures that resembled comic and video game art.
Strongly influencing Blu’s early career were team efforts with other street artists like Dem, Sweza, Run, and Ericailcane. They lead to Blu’s experimentation with digital animation. He participated in many artistic endeavours with Ericailcane from 2003- 2006 which also helped him gain large recognition.
The street art mural that he made in this location was very significant because wide audiences across the Internet were able to view it. The mural was quickly named “Hombre Banano”, since it pertained to the protests of workers in the banana plantations.
Over the next couple of years, Blu spent his life traveling and painting across Central and South America, where he visited countries such as Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Argentina, and Brazil. Blu’s most famous artwork culminates in a silent graphic animation composed of hundreds of paintings on walls that apply to a seven minute animated mural. This incredible video is called Muto, and can be found on YouTube with millions of views. This video took many months to create and was painted in the streets of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Because of its importance, this work has also won many awards.

Lilli carre Artist analysis

P1 Lilli CarrĂ© currently lives and works in Chicago. Her animated films have shown in festivals throughout the US and abroad, including the Sundance Film Festival, the Edinburgh International Film Festival, Animator Festival Poznan Poland, The Ann Arbor Film Festival, International Festival Rotterdam, and the Punto y Raya Film Festival. In 2010 she co-founded the Eye works Festival of Experimental Animation with Alexander Stewart, which is held annually in Chicago with additional curated programs presented internationally throughout the year. Her most recent collection of comics, Heads or Tails, saw its second printing from Fanta graphics Books in 2015, and her comics and illustration work has appeared in the New Yorker. She illustrates her work free hand before processing it into a gif. Her work varies from extremely detailed to rather simple, when she does use colour in her gifs; its contrasting and bright, The gifs last about 2-4 seconds each, Lilli CarrĂ© doesn’t use any sound for these gifs.

